For life to be sustained, a constant supply of oxygen to the brain must be maintained. The oxygen is delivered to its tissues by the circulating blood. The ”pump” that maintains this supply is the heart. If the heart stops (“cardiac arrest”), death will result, unless urgent action is taken.
In certain circumstances, the use of a machine called a “ defibrillator carried in many ambulances, can restart the heart. The casualty is most likely to survive if three needs are met:
• The flow of oxygenated blood is rapidly restored to the brain by means of artificial ventilation and chest compression (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
•Defibrillation is carried our promptly.
•The casualty quickly reaches hospital to receive specialised treatment and care.
The prompt application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation may bridge the gap between a casualty’s collapse, and the arrival of on ambulance equipped with a defibrillator. The way in which CPR is performed always follows the some rules the AVE of resuscitation.
Cardiac arrest- the chain of survival
The casualty’s chances of survival are greatest when all the limit of the chain ate in place.
1. Early access-help is immediately summoned so that a defibrillator can be brought to the casualty
2. Early Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – the technique of resuscitation are used to buy time until help arrives.
3. Early defibrillation a controlled electric shock is given to restart the heart
4. Early advanced care – specialised treatment stabilities the casualty condition.
The Airway, Breathing, Circulation :
For The Airway
Tilting the casualty’s head back and lifting the chin will “open the airway” the tilted position lifts the casualty’s tongue from the back of the throat so that it does not block the air passage.
For Breathing
If a casualty is not breathing, you can breathe for him or her, and thus oxygenate the blood, by giving” artificial ventilation” blowing your own expelled air into the casualty’s lungs.
For Circulation
If the heart has stopped,. Chest compression can be applied to force blood through the heart and around the body. They must be combined with the blood is oxygenated.
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